Over 1,000 Standard Dies for Label Printing
Most people, when they think of labels, tend to think of a rectangle with printing on it used to address an envelope or provide a barcode. While those certainly make up the bulk of label printing and use, today’s use of dies means you can have a label in almost any shape your can dream up. Between the shape and the material, it’s possible to create labels for all sorts of applications.
Our butt cut dies, (rectangular and printed with no space between labels) range from a quarter inch high to just over 15 inches high and can be up to 10 inches wide.
Our computer labels start at 1.375 X .5625 inches and go up to 9 X 6.375 inches.
Our sheeter dies run from 1 x 1-1/8 inches to 15 x 15 inches.
We have tamper proof dies in circles from 3/8 of an inch to 4 inches, in ovals of ½ x ¾ inch and in rectangles from ½ to 3/4 inch to 201/2 by 1 inch.
Our rectangle dies range from .100 X .875 inches wide to 7 3/4 X 10 1/8.
These options when properly combined with the right material mean you can create exactly the right label for your purposes, from simple address labels, to labels for bottles and jars to labels to help you track massive inventories.
And if we don’t have the standard die you want, we’ll create one in exactly the shape you want.